March 07, 2018 by Catherine McIntyre in childcare, Facebook Instant Articles, Justin Trudeau, Ottawa, Oxfam, pay equity
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Why women’s economic equality is lagging under Trudeau

For a government that claims to be feminist, it has barely moved the dial on childcare, pay equity and better jobs for women, says a new report

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February 13, 2018 by Catherine McIntyre in #PayEquity, cbc, Editor's Picks, Facebook Instant Articles, gender, Interview, Jobs, kirstine stewart, pay equity, pay gap, Society, twitter, wage gap
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Kirstine Stewart on the limits of “leaning in”

As the former head of the CBC and Twitter Canada embarks on new role, she says it's time for business to adapt to women’s needs—not the other way around

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February 08, 2018 by Catherine McIntyre in #PayEquity, Canada, Editor's Picks, Facebook Instant Articles, gender wage gap, Ottawa, pay equity, pay gap, Politics, Society, wage gap
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Why do men make more money than women?

The pay equity gap has been researched and debated for decades, with little real progress to show for it. But the reckoning may finally be here.

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February 08, 2018 by Catherine McIntyre in #PayEquity, Business, Facebook Instant Articles, gender, gender wage gap, pay equity, pay gap, Society, wage gap, Work
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Nearly three quarters of Canadians want pay transparency

A new national survey on pay equity shows a majority of Canadians know there is a wage gap and think there should be policies to eliminate it

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February 08, 2018 by Catherine McIntyre in #PayEquity, Facebook Instant Articles, gender, gender wage gap, pay equity, pay gap, Society, wage gap, Work
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These are the key numbers that explain the wage gap for women

No matter the calculus, women in Canada continue to earn less than men. These are the key statistics to understand

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